It's a pass.

Yesterday was my birthday. Not bluffing anything about me here but it's a pass already. So that's the fact. I'm 15 now. Got lot's of wishes from all my dear friends. Thank you : ).

Shocked that when I logged into my Facebook account just now. Wow 77 Notifications. All are Birthday wishes. And some with digital present. XD Thanks again guys. Thank you very much. So life gotta move on anyway. School's been fine this week. Just ordinary same schedule. Life's boring if it keeps on like this.

Just that TODAY, though it's a SATURDAY, we had our school replacement for Hari Raya. I was like WTF? If want longer holiday just ask the Minister of Education longer the time la. What for we keep doing school replacement? Jeez. And that's not all about it. Today, all the teachers are not teaching especially those PMR subjects.

Sick of hearing Geo and Moral lesson. Not that I hate the subjects but because of something else. Well, you know. Mathematics teacher are like freak, gave us so many homeworks but I still managed to finish it before school's out. With some question undone because I CAN'T DO IT.

Right now, for no reason, I started to like SLR camera. Not Digital but purely SLR. FILM you know? I just don't know why. Maybe I'm just fascinated by its OLD-SCHOOL look. But it's also quite cheap compare to DSLR. But one factor that I missed is its film price. It's a "one-shot-one-kill" basics. Once I click the shutter, no return lol. Nevertheless the printing price also. A scanner which can scan negatives cost about RM500. Well, maybe I'm just 3 minute hot only.

That's it for now.
Maybe I just need to slow down my steps and take a break and try to enjoy my Life. Because it's only a "one way ticket"

Random updates.

Just that Good Friday and Easter just passed. School's been fine recently. Good news is that I got the 15th position for my exam this mid-semester. Not a bad one as I can still managed to survive at top 15. Congrats to all my friends above me especially Raymond. If without chinese, he would get 3rd. What a waste.

Anyway, I've been writing my own quotes on Facebook. All about love. Lol. Strangely, I'm not in love. Got pretty many Like from my friends. My first one is kinda one of my best favorite.

"Do not expect too much from your partner as this always causes break-up in the end"

Which is pretty much true.

Nowadays, surfing around the Internet had been a very boring routine. Always the same. Nothing changed much. Gaming? Huge lagness. Don't even know why. Damn. Got some pretty new songs from watching Channel [V] and MTV. Rock that body - B.E.P and many more. Enjoying musics to the max. No wonder people said "Musics are the universal language"

Anyway, that's it for now.
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