Things are getting more expensive

LOL.....yesterday went to Boulevard Shopping Complex buying some things for Chinese New Year. The funniest thing......I GOT NO TROLLEY....because everyone is getting trolley for cheap canned drinks........Know where I got the trolley.......OUTSIDE THE BUILDING 100 METRES AWAY LOL...true......

Buy things that we needed for CNY then shocking things in the counter......See this receipt

I nearly fainted seeing this receipt....

We only bought 25 item and it cost us $202.94.....LOL......Luckily my father is the card member for Boulevard if not surely it will cost $250++.........

Not only that....we also went to buy canned drinks and I heard one "salesman" keep on saying "YEO'S CHRYSANTIMUN, SOYA AND GREEN TEA ONLY 17.90 HORR...ONLY 17.90 HORR ONLY TODAY HAVE THIS PRETTY PRICE.....ONLY HAVE 150 STOCKS LEFT" I was like =.=" because I saw there's one truck of those drinks at the back....

And one thing I can't denied is the canned drinks price really very cheap XD.......So my father bought two boxes of Shandy and Green Tea each.......And the total we spend in less than on hour is $298.50.....Can say very expensive for me already....

And the receipt is the longest receipt I've ever seen(dont say me very outdated larr) but true the longest receipt......same as my monitor length 15 inches......

Chinese New Year is fun but we also need to pay so much for it!!!!!!!
I really hope my 'Angpau hotspot' doesn't get any flood...

That's from me...


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