Year-End Holidays Start

Today marks the end of 2009 school's session. And hell yeah, the school holidays start. Guess I'm going to have one and a half month of rest. This coming Saturday need to go to YLC camp (Youth Leadership Committee) until next Tuesday. Short one but gonna be a tough one.

I'm actually going to Chung Hua camp after one day of YLC camp ends. But I just can't go because I'll be too tired. Plus, who can go to 2 camps continuously for 10 days?? I cannot 'tahan'.

My holiday plan :
  1. Sleep
  2. Eat
  3. Drink
  4. Play Computer
  5. Maybe go to Sibu (Boring)
  6. Hang out with my Bro to computer shop?? Maybe
  7. Watch TV
  8. Play with my newborn puppies
  9. And...............No idea
  10. Nearly forget. Caroling with church Youth group.
Urghh~~~that's one boring plan @.@ . I just want tomorrow to come as my class gonna have class BBQ party at the beach. Beach again. Gonna wake up early tomorrow.

That's it for now. Boring post.


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